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Flekosteel is a product which can quickly remove pain caused by such diseases as arthrosis and osteochondrosis. It eliminates muscle spasms and inflammation. Flekosteel is also effective in treating osteochondrosis and arthrosis because it slows down the process of cartilage tissue degeneration and boosts its metobolism, promoting articular cartilage repair. The positive effect can be seen right after the first application. If used regularly, joints and spine diseases stop progressing. Active ingredients: Soybean oil, Corn oil, Urea, Camphor, Sponge extract, Carbomer, Carrageenan, Fir oil extract, Callisia extract, Cayenne Pepper oil, Eucalyptus oil, Rosemary essential oil, Ginger essential oil, Cinnamon essential oil. More Details


 Chocolate slim - DE, AT

Chocolate Slim is a food supplement based on spray dried whey and whey proteins, enriched with L-carnitine, soya lecithin, oat fibre, minerals and vitamins. Chocolate Slim can be combined with classic and everyday alimentation. Active ingredients: Whey powder, Whey protein, Glucomannan, Oat fiber, Cocoa powder. Directions to use: 2 teaspoons of powder stir in a small amount of hot water to create a mush, fill it up to 150 ml with water and mix it well. Then drink down with another 1 to 2 glasses of water. Use this product before meal. More details

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